Our Atlanta car accident attorneys at The Kalka Law Group recently recovered a $500,000 settlement for our client who was rear-ended suddenly by a commercial vehicle going significantly over the speed limit. The driver was at a standstill when the work truck hit them from behind going 52 mph, pushing the car across multiple lanes of traffic and resulting in the driver being unconscious upon the arrival of first responders.

The driver was airlifted to the hospital where it was discovered that they had suffered an anoxic brain injury. They are still currently in a coma and recovering from the injuries sustained. This injury has resulted in his mother having to appoint herself as guardian over his affairs, in addition to everything else.

At the time of the crash, the driver was not cited for going 81 mph in a 55 mph zone. The family contacted our firm and through the process of investigating the case, our lawyers were able to download the crash data from the vehicle. The data proved that the commercial driver was driving 81 mph just two seconds before the accident and struck our client at 52mph. Due to serious negligence on the part of the commercial driver, our firm obtained a $500,000 settlement for the victim and his family to help cover the aftermath of this life-altering accident.

If you have been in a serious accident or a loved one has been injured due to a car accident in Atlanta, call our top-rated firm for a free consultation of your case.