All parents want their children to get good exercise, to be safe, and to have a wonderful life full of memories. Cycling is one such way that children could get exercise and have great, fun-filled memories. However, parents often worry about their children’s safety on bikes because many children have been injured in Alpharetta bicycle accidents over the past several years.

There is no better way to know that your children are as safe as possible on a bike than to teach them firsthand about the following things:

  • Always wear a bicycle helmet to reduce the risk of potential injuries in the event of a Georgia bike crash
  • Ride responsibly and obey road rules
  • Stop at stop signs
  • Stop at traffic lights
  • Ride with the flow of traffic
  • Position the bike as close to the right of the road as possible
  • Scan the road for traffic and road hazards
  • Never wear headphones while riding a bike because they prevent warning sounds from being heard

Parents can tell their children all of the above points, but children sometimes learn best by example. When adults ride with their children and set a good example, children are likely to follow suit. Additionally, when parents ride bikes with their children, it is a good time to point out safety hazards and have ongoing conversations about cycling safety and staying safe on the streets. When parents make riding bikes a learning opportunity—in addition to being a fun activity—then it is a win-win situation for all involved.

However, accidents due occur from time to time. If your child has been injured in a bicycle crash due to a negligent driver, call a skilled bicycle accident lawyer at The Kalka Law Group to find out your rights.