The changes local and state governments have been forced to make to combat the spread of the COVID-19 have impacted businesses, workers, and attorneys throughout the nation. With stricter guidelines for courts to reduce the amount of infected individuals and limit the overall exposure, many of our clients have been concerned about how their personal injury case might be impacted by the pandemic. Below, we answer some of the common questions we have been asked by personal injury clients.

Are Insurance Companies Still Paying Liability & Health Insurance Claims?

Although many operations have shut down during the pandemic, insurance companies in some states are still paying liability and health insurance claims. California Insurance Code §790.03 states that insurance agencies are still required to investigate, process, and pay insurance claims. On March 18, 2020, state officials informed insurance companies that §790.03 still applies during the ongoing pandemic.

Should I Visit My Doctor During The Pandemic?

Clients have been calling us to ask if they should avoid going to the doctor out of fear of contamination or spreading the virus. Personal injury cases often require frequent visits with specialty doctors, and while it can be daunting to seek medical assistance during this time, it is crucial that personal injury clients continue to maintain close medical monitoring with their doctors via electronic communications or video conferencing.

Are Courts Still Hearing Personal Injury Cases?

Although most courthouses are closed to the general public, many are allowing video conferencing under limited circumstances. Since courts are only offering video conferencing in a limited capacity, most cases will be delayed for some time until the pandemic is under control. You should consult with your personal injury lawyer to discuss whether judges and courts might allow a video conferencing alternative for your personal injury case so you can get started on written discovery, remote depositions, and settlement conferences.

While this an unprecedented time, the dedicated legal team at The Kalka Law Group is here to assist with your personal injury needs. Please call us today at (404) 529-9371 to schedule a free consultation if you or a loved one suffered serious accident injuries.